By Justin Gerard
Earlier this year I made aΒ postΒ on MuddyColors laying out a plan I had to rework an old image I had painted that had turned out really disappointing. Β I now report back with the results!

“The Smell of Venison”
18″ x 24″
Oil on Gessoed Paper and Digital

In general I think it is bad to retread old ground. If I get lost when I am driving, I don’t turn around to retrace my steps. No, like a caveman I plow forward thinking, ‘this’ll probably lead to the right place… eventually,’ and I floor it. (The male brain can be a wonder to behold.)

And sometimes it really is just better to plow forward and tackle new ideas and new stories, and not just retread old ground. Β But this is one of those times where if I didn’t go back and fix it, and give the painting the treatment it deserved, it would always haunt me.

For Comparison:

2012 edition

2014 Rework
What do you think?