I love art books. I always have; I always will. And it doesn’t matter how many might already be sitting on our increasingly-bowed shelves, there’s always room for more. As hot as e-books and e-readers are, they still haven’t been able to compete with the visual and tactile satisfaction a traditional art book offers. They undoubtedly will…eventually. But until that day comes…
I want more art books.
And I would dearly love to see fat, gorgeous collections devoted to…
Leo & Diane Dillon
Yes, there was a very nice collection of their art that was produced in, oh, 1981 (30 years ago!); it’s way past time for something more comprehensive, something more complete, that fully celebrates both their originality and their many, many accomplishments.
Rose O’Neil
Best known as the creator of the Kewpie (art, comic strip, doll, et al), O’Neil was not only one of the first prominent women illustrators, but, for a time, was also the highest paid illustrator in the U.S. Collectors of her originals are enthusiastic and more than a tad secretive.
Bob Peak
Really. Who wouldn’t want a Bob Peak art book?
Brad Holland
It’s unfathomable that there hasn’t already been a color retrospective of Holland’s influential work. His art for Playboy‘s “Ribald Classics” bowled me over when I was a kid, and my regard for him has only increased in the decades since.
Gregory Manchess
Some artists are adept at SF. Others at fantasy. Some find their niche painting Westerns or wildlife or history or the figure. Manchess paints it all. Exceptionally. The challenge is to find the far-ranging places where his work appears. Hey! You publishers out there: a book that gathers Greg’s art in one spot. Please! Oh, wait: is Manchess reading this? A-hem, uhh…as I was saying, somebody should take this guy’s paints away and…
I totaly agree on all of those. I would especially like to own a book of Gregs work! I would settle for new images on his website though. The book would be better though.
I was introduced to a couple of artists I wasn't familiar with (funny thing about the timeline of illustration is that there's so much amazing talent you're not aware of, past and present). We've also learned that Arnie had access to Playboy when he was a kid, looks like I'm in good company.
For those interested there is currently a Dillon's show up in Philly at The University of the Arts illustration gallery. I haven't been yet but they always have a really good representation of the artists work up. Im Gonna try to go this week.
Oh, and holy smokes on a couple of the old school Manchess's there. Greg maybe a post for the future? Id love to see some of your work from the earlier part of your career.
I'm with you on all of these Arnie. It really is a mystery to me why Brad Holland doesn't have a book. I have to think that he must have something to do with it. Maybe waiting for something. He's done so much for illustration as a whole. Great stuff about him in Jerelle Kraus's “All the Art That's Fit to Print…”
oh yes, bob peak and greg manchess books would be an instant buy. without even looking at the price. (okay, with looking at how many figures it has. <100 eur = instabuy)
also, a full blown collection of justin sweet work would be … sweet. (sorry)
All of those are great, but I'd like to add Andrew Loomis and, perhaps, James Gurney. You can find their art many places, but a great big meaty art book of those would hit the spot!
All are great choices for books. But the Dillon's…it is so hard to find a solid collection of their work online let alone in print. They have been such a great inspiration to so many!
And the Reed Crandall book with great reproductions of his work that's been tossed around as an idea for awhile till it seems that the buying audience has died out. Well, I'm not dead yet! So I'm gonna keep harping on it! Okay, I feel better now. A Manchess collection would be good. And somebody should talk Paul Bonner into doing an all dragons and dinosaurs book.
Bob Peak please please… since this is a wish list, a Robert Heindel retrospective would be a pleasure. Also, a collection of Scott Gustafson's work, the Greenwich workshop prints collected would be a great place to start there. Oh, and Edwin Austin Abbey… oh, I have a small book of his Shakespeare paintings, but a real full out retrospective… now that would be … ah, heaven.
I Just finally saw the Dillon collection at U-Arts and… Wow. It was awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in their work. They had a ton of originals and a really great mix of the different styles they have worked in over the years. It also surprised me how small they worked. I was expecting larger. A great collection. Beautiful and flawless precision, well worth checking out if you can.
There is a Brad Holland book out there of just this editorial pen and ink work. Titled Human Scandals. It is amazing. and yes there should a book on his painting. I second the Manchess and Peak but it should also include early Peak not just his posters. But what i would love to see is a Bernie Fuchs book. his early work influenced so many people and when he came on the scene he started taking work from the established guys like Peak. Alas there is not one out there so for the moment i have been collecting his tear sheets and put them up on flickr for all to see: http://www.flickr.com/photos/13495387@N00/sets/72157625369781729/
I totaly agree on all of those. I would especially like to own a book of Gregs work! I would settle for new images on his website though. The book would be better though.
I was introduced to a couple of artists I wasn't familiar with (funny thing about the timeline of illustration is that there's so much amazing talent you're not aware of, past and present). We've also learned that Arnie had access to Playboy when he was a kid, looks like I'm in good company.
All would be awesome additions to the library!
For those interested there is currently a Dillon's show up in Philly at The University of the Arts illustration gallery. I haven't been yet but they always have a really good representation of the artists work up. Im Gonna try to go this week.
Oh, and holy smokes on a couple of the old school Manchess's there. Greg maybe a post for the future? Id love to see some of your work from the earlier part of your career.
ANd of course.. Master Manchess!!!!
Yes! I have been dying to have a new collection of the Dillons' work, but so far, no luck. I really do hope they put one together someday.
I'm with you on all of these Arnie. It really is a mystery to me why Brad Holland doesn't have a book. I have to think that he must have something to do with it. Maybe waiting for something. He's done so much for illustration as a whole. Great stuff about him in Jerelle Kraus's “All the Art That's Fit to Print…”
oh yes, bob peak and greg manchess books would be an instant buy. without even looking at the price. (okay, with looking at how many figures it has. <100 eur = instabuy)
also, a full blown collection of justin sweet work would be … sweet. (sorry)
A Brad Holland book would be awesome!
Robert Peak Rollerball poster is one of my favorites!
All of those are great, but I'd like to add Andrew Loomis and, perhaps, James Gurney. You can find their art many places, but a great big meaty art book of those would hit the spot!
John Schoenherr. One of the greats and there's never been a book of his art that I know of.
All are great choices for books. But the Dillon's…it is so hard to find a solid collection of their work online let alone in print. They have been such a great inspiration to so many!
And the Reed Crandall book with great reproductions of his work that's been tossed around as an idea for awhile till it seems that the buying audience has died out. Well, I'm not dead yet! So I'm gonna keep harping on it!
Okay, I feel better now.
A Manchess collection would be good.
And somebody should talk Paul Bonner into doing an all dragons and dinosaurs book.
Bob Peak please please… since this is a wish list, a Robert Heindel retrospective would be a pleasure. Also, a collection of Scott Gustafson's work, the Greenwich workshop prints collected would be a great place to start there. Oh, and Edwin Austin Abbey… oh, I have a small book of his Shakespeare paintings, but a real full out retrospective… now that would be … ah, heaven.
I'd love to see a collection of Thomas Blackshear's paintings and dimensional work.
You got my vote! 😀 I LOVE art books too!
+1 for bob peak book.
I Just finally saw the Dillon collection at U-Arts and… Wow. It was awesome. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in their work. They had a ton of originals and a really great mix of the different styles they have worked in over the years. It also surprised me how small they worked. I was expecting larger. A great collection. Beautiful and flawless precision, well worth checking out if you can.
There is a Brad Holland book out there of just this editorial pen and ink work. Titled Human Scandals. It is amazing. and yes there should a book on his painting. I second the Manchess and Peak but it should also include early Peak not just his posters. But what i would love to see is a Bernie Fuchs book. his early work influenced so many people and when he came on the scene he started taking work from the established guys like Peak. Alas there is not one out there so for the moment i have been collecting his tear sheets and put them up on flickr for all to see: