I just got an email about this, and thought a lot of our viewers could take advantage of this good news.
Several Muddy Colors members have created instructional DVDs with Massive Black (The company behind Conceptart.org). Typically, these DVDs retail for about $50. However, MB is having a huge sale, and the downloadable versons are currently just $8 until August! This is a really big savings, and great opportunity to stock up. I know I’m grabbing a bunch. More info HERE.
Some of the downloads available are:
This download documents the painting of the cover for Brandon Sanderson’s book, Warbreaker. It begins with an interview with Irene Gallo, Art Director at Tor Books, and ends with photographing the final painting. Throughout each step, Chesley Award winner Dan Dos Santos talks at great length about everything from salary to color theory. Though the subject matter is a book cover, all the principles taught are easily translated towards almost any commercial illustration. With over five hours of content, this is a definitive guide for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge and understanding of painting as it relates to working for clients.
5 hours, 720×480, Quicktime Format.
Join 18-time Chesley Award winner Donato Giancola in his Brooklyn studio for three days as he creates his latest space masterpiece, The Mechanic.
Donato begins the download by taking photographic reference, used to add a high degree of realism and detail to his thumbnail sketch. Work on the the actual oil painting gives him opportunity to cover everything from the delicate subtleties of portraiture to eye-popping metallic surfaces. Throughout the video Donato generously passes on his years of experience and ends by inviting the viewer to surpass his own accomplishments. The Art Department and ConceptArt.Org welcome the viewer to rise to the occasion!
 5 hours, 1280×720, Quicktime Format,
Join us for two rainy days spent in the studio with Greg Manchess as he masterfully combines photo reference with his imagination to craft a beautiful storybook world. Greg covers traditional oil painting techniques as well how to be a professional in the field of illustration. Some of his personal philosophy on the creative path is covered as well, all set to an original score by cutting edge dub step producer DJunya. This painting captures Greg at the very prime of both his career and his painting abilities and we feel fortunate to be able to share it with you.
60 minutes, 2 Parts, 720×480, Quicktime Format.
Thank you for posting about this! I've been eyeing those videos for a while.
Man, the timing of this makes me glad I managed to resist the Steam sale. =D
Thank you so much, I too have been drooling over these^^ 4 videos is purchased!
I'm downloading all three! And…maybe…a few more…
Thanks so much for the heads up! This is a great opportunity for us 8-5 day jobbers to learn from the masters when we can!
Thanks again!
Man! If only I waited! Still glad I bought Dan's dvd when I did. Totally worth the $50
Purchasing now and feeling good about not finding some free copy, although the price kinda feels like stealing.