Donato has been selling limited edition copies of his “Middle Earth: Visions of Modern Myth” book, which each contain an original sketch inside. Here is a quick peek at some of those sketches.

LoTR Sketches
Thursday, September 1st, 2011
Thursday, September 1st, 2011
Donato has been selling limited edition copies of his “Middle Earth: Visions of Modern Myth” book, which each contain an original sketch inside. Here is a quick peek at some of those sketches.
I would love to own one of these. Donato surely can draw and paint humans.
I love His compositional choices, it really elevates his work to fine art.
Yeah, I'll echo Steven: I'm more than in love with those compositions, especially the Shield Blow piece.
And the Mucha-esque-swirly-Balrog..? Bloody gorgeous.
These are beyond awesome!
wow those are AMAZING!
In Donato we trust … 🙂
Love them all, my fave would have to be Gollum, now I wish I had ordered the limited edition…
You are the Master and Commander!
These sketches beautifully capture the essence of the LoTR world, bringing to life the characters and landscapes we’ve all come to love.