By Jesper Ejsing
I was asked by the fine people at ImagineFX if I wanted to do a workshop article for the traditional part of the magazine. I was honnored and jumped right in.

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011
Because of the nature of the article, I had to scan the painting during the process. Something I rarely do but often have wanted to. All the time I promissed myself to scan a painting I got carried away midway and forgot to scan for an hour or two, thus destroying any chance of progression steps. Well; today I have a step by step.
If you want to read the whole article please buy the magazine. But here is some of the snaps from the progress: All was done in about 10 hours.
The original is about 20 x 25 cm. on a home-made illustration board.
Really nice work! Do you know if it's the issue available in the states now or when it will be available?
Gorgeous, Jesper – I especially love how the moon is handled. May I ask what the medium is?
Awesome dude, Monkey King? Agree about the moon, beautiful pink glow.
Really love that IFX does these traditional workshops as well. Justin Gerard's Fawn was an eye-opener!
HeY David
It is always acrylics. it is all I am able to.
looks great!
i need to find a place here in town that sells that magazine. 🙂
Jesper, Thanks for sharing the process shots! I look forward to seeing the article.
Hi Jesper… I got my copy of IFX the other day, and have to say it is a wonderful article. Really well written with lots of interesting stuff, especially for us digital artists who dabble with paint.
Beautiful image (and palette) too…
Very cool. I love to see an artists progression form the what (at least in my own work) I call the ugly sage.
I agree with all those comments above, but how do you make 'home made' illustration board?
I print out the sketch onto a 300gram watercolor paper. then smear the backside with matt medium and glue it down to a piece of cardboard. Put it under press, underneath a stable of books for an hour. When it is dry I cut the edges clean: Viola: you got a watercolor board with your drawing on it, ready to add paint.
Hi Jesper, Loved the painting so much, I thought I'd try a digital sculpture of it. I'm learning 3d-coat right now, and at the moment it's still a WIP (wish I could do it in 10 hrs 🙂
Hope you don't mind, and thanks for your fine work.