I’m about to move to the Bay Area, so I thought it would be a great time to document my work station as it existed in my New York apartment. I work traditionally, but there is a great deal of digital pre- and post-production in my workflow. Everything fits in and around my drafting table, so my whole studio has a very small footprint. And as you’ll see, I really, really love magnets. The video is close to 15 minutes, but it shows pretty much all the tools I use. I’ve also included links below to some of the equipment I talk about. My printer and scanner are over 4 years old, but they’re still working great (assuming they survive the cross-country trip). My apologies for not recording in landscape mode. I wasn’t thinking at the time and I’m a little pressed for time with the move, but the basic info is still there. If there is anything I missed below, feel free to ask in the comments.
Humanscale 5G 700 Keyboard Tray
Epson Sylus Photo R1900 Printer
Epson GT-20000 Scanner
Safco B-Size Plan File Cabinet and Caster Base
iMac 27″ (this is the new one — mine’s a couple years old)
Cintiq 12WX (the new version is the 13HD)
Drawing Board: Max Tile F1 Galvanize Steel Tile (custom cut to 18 × 24″)
Pilot Color Eno Blue Lead
Kuru Toga Mechanical Pencil
i will visit this blog again
Thanks for the tour Paolo, always interesting to see other's workspaces and their thought process behind it.
I was wondering what you're using to support your metal drawing board?
Good luck with the move!
Where are you moving to Paolo? My old stomping grounds. I grew up in that area. Maybe if I put up some magnets they'll affect my brain and I'll clean my studio.
Damn, I'm totally ripping off that magnets-and-metal-board idea.
Did I miss how you have your cintiq attached to your desk? That would be much more convenient than my current set up. I'm also stealing your magnet idea!
It certainly is an attractive workspace solution! 😀
So, how do you feel about leaving NYC, Paolo?
Thanks, Chad! It's a Masonite backing board that's attached to 2 shelving brackets. The whole thing is put together with binder clips. Its way more rickety than it should be.
Santa Clara for a couple months, then somewhere nearby. Haven't decided yet, but I love the area.
Do it! I can't work any other way now–even at conventions.
Just tapped, sadly. It has an adjustable stand on the back and I just taped it to my desk.
Thanks, Dave! It's bittersweet. Been here for a decade. But I'm definitely looking forward to Cali.
Nice gun rack lol! Congrats on coming out here 🙂 Nice setup btw I didn't realize how useful magnets can be!
Thanks for the tour, Paolo, that's an incredible amount of studio you've managed to pack into a small footprint.
Good luck with the move, hope it all goes smoothly!
Im with Adam, totally swiping that magnetic table idea. My studio space is similarly compact and that seems an appropriate solution.
Thanks, everybody! Just got to Cali yesterday. We're in temporary housing now, so I won't set up the full studio for another couple months. My gun rack will have to wait until then.
Welcome to the Bay Area! I really enjoy your work, and thanks so much for sharing your setup. (A couple of tips from a native San Franciscan: refrain from using the words “Cali” or “Frisco”) 🙂
I love your magnetic board idea! Like many others, I'm am going to swipe the idea. The air dry putty over your magnets are fantastic additions (the three tiered napkin/bridge combo-fabulous!). I love how you've used wire to create the tools you need. You've done more with a small space than most can do with an entire studio. I am in awe. Thank you so much for sharing.
NIce set-up! So need somewhere to work that doesn't eat up alot of room. Love your thinking. Very practical, convenient and most importantly doesn't need to be put out of the way so it's ready when the muse strikes! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! Haven't said “Frisco” yet, but I think “Cali” has slipped through, at least in writing.
Thanks, Dawn and AztcFireFlower! One thing I forgot to mention in the video was that I like having a table that I can either sit or stand at. I like being able to change things up if staying in one pose gets too tedious.
Welcome to the Bay Area! We don't have the same level of art that NYC and the East Coast has but we make up for it in the weather. Although the drive up to the city for the Legion of Honor, the de Young, and out to Stockton for the room full of Leyendeckers is worth it. Welcome!
I've been to the de Young before — caught a great Impressionist show there in 2010 — but I had totally forgotten about the Leyendeckers in Stockton. I think a road trip is in order. Thanks!