Ever have those days when there is not enough time to do what you want? The way you want to do it? I am treading that water now.
I do not always get to create paintings I truly call my own, as my schedule is booked and I make my living with commissions for both commercial and private clients. But when the opportunity arises on a small window of time, I embrace the moment to make a different kind of art and fill it with passionate, focused work. Knowing that there are these kinds of images and moments keeps me painting like a professional and delivering the work my clients expect of me, while i take the chance to experiment with these personal works. Always my goal is to move towards that bright spot on the horizon, regardless if it is from a private, commercial, or personal work.
To keep my sanity, I am sharing a few paintings of one aspect of the art I love to create – that of hands.
UPDATE: Forgot to add this new hand painting from the San Diego Comic-Con, Gandalf at Moria:
Born in 1967 and raised in Colchester, Vermont, USA, art was always a hobby for Donato as a young man, he would steal away into the basement of his parents' home to work on drawings, create his own maps for the game Dungeons & Dragons, paint figurines, read comics, and construct model tanks and dinosaurs. His love of imaginative play dominated his childhood, both indoors and out. At the age of twenty Donato enrolled in his first formal art class, the beginning of his professional training. Immediately after graduating Summa Cum Laude with a BFA in Painting from Syracuse University in 1992, Donato moved to New York City to immerse himself in the inspired and varied art scene. Formative years in the early nineties were spent as the studio assistant to the preeminent figure painter Vincent Desiderio, and long days of study in the museums of New York. It was then that his love and appreciation of classical figurative art took hold. He continues his training even now, visiting museums regularly, learning from and sometimes copying original paintings by Rembrandt or Rubens, attending life drawing sessions with illustrator friends and constantly challenges himself within each new project. Pilgrimages to major museums are his preferred reason to travel.
Donato has released a revised hard cover compilation of his works on the theme of J.R.R. Tolkien, Middle-Earth: Journeys in Myth and Legend from Dark Horse Comics.
Donato I love this post- your ethos for forcing yourself to find the time to make the off-assignment work you need and want to make and brother, those HANDS! You give more character to a simple hand painting than most give to an orchestra of portraits. Will resist hand-oriuented puns…. must resist….
Thanks Greg. Hands are like faces for me, so much character and depth. I think I could paint them for the rest of my life and never tire of the content…
I love hands, both in painting and in life. Although I'm not Bouguereau's most ardent fan, his hands take my breath away. Your hands are captivating as well. In this sampling I especially admire Fukushima. Thanks so much for sharing your work!
Donato, Congratulations on your published artwork in the August, 2015, issue of Popular Science. The narrative it hints at is provocative in accomplishing its intent, and spurs my interest to read the book. I have followed your exquisite work for a long time, and really enjoy what I learn from your instruction and watching you paint on the videos I bought. Cheers! Marsha http://www.marshagilliam.com
Doodle JumponIG WOW: Episode 1Doodle Jump's fractal platforms, moving items, and monsters make for an intense gameplay experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Donato I love this post- your ethos for forcing yourself to find the time to make the off-assignment work you need and want to make and brother, those HANDS! You give more character to a simple hand painting than most give to an orchestra of portraits. Will resist hand-oriuented puns…. must resist….
These are so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them.
These are great, Donato!
Thanks Greg. Hands are like faces for me, so much character and depth. I think I could paint them for the rest of my life and never tire of the content…
I love hands, both in painting and in life. Although I'm not Bouguereau's most ardent fan, his hands take my breath away. Your hands are captivating as well. In this sampling I especially admire Fukushima. Thanks so much for sharing your work!
Donato, Congratulations on your published artwork in the August, 2015, issue of Popular Science. The narrative it hints at is provocative in accomplishing its intent, and spurs my interest to read the book. I have followed your exquisite work for a long time, and really enjoy what I learn from your instruction and watching you paint on the videos I bought. Cheers! Marsha http://www.marshagilliam.com