Instead of rambling on about my own artistic endeavours, I thought that this time I could ramble on about other peoples artistic endeavours, based on my aforementioned artistic endeavours. Cunning eh? So, I still get to plague you with some of my efforts, but only in the noble cause of shining a light upon some other peoples rather wonderful creations. ‘Course – I’m biased. Well, I would be wouldn’t I, for they have chosen my work as a springboard for creating their own art. So that’s my ego catered to.
But apart from my eyes being drawn to their work because of the remarkable similarity to my own work, and thus providing me with more than a good reason to be biased, I am actually very honoured, humbled and amazed at what they do. Those of you who have accompanied me upon my verbal wanderings might have noticed my wistful reminiscences of playing with Plasticine and clay throughout my childhood, and playing and painting with model soldiers from my childhood onwards. Happy memories – tainted by the lack of time in my life to continue these past times as much as I would like to now. When time permits, and quality time is needed with Artur, we mess around with orks and build stuff to give them a place to vent their war-like nature. I keep meaning to start another paper-mache dinosaur or goblin sculpture – but this ruthless allotment of time that our lives demand, sadly, often pushes the things we would really love to do – way down the list. I’m a happy bunny doing what I do, and actually getting paid for it is always nice. I feel very privileged and never take it for granted – but when my eyes catch glimpses of what these folks are doing, it takes a lot of will power and mental pyrotechnics not to throw my brushes away, and go rummaging after my languishing and neglected stocks of modelling stuffs.
There is something very appealing and primitive about building something up in such a physical manner and – hopefully ending up with something aesthetically pleasing. Cave paintings have that similar primordial feel about them (goes without saying really…), yet I can’t help think that our ancestors, when they could take time off from trying to stay alive, were probably fidgeting restlessly with sticks, mud and stones, trying to echo the world around them – before they made the rather impressive leap of trying to replicate three dimensional things in two dimensions on the walls of their living room. A beautiful painting can be alive and certainly give the impression of life – but a sculpture is already alive – by the simple expedient of being the proud owner of that extra dimension. I feel – as usual – that I am in danger of veering off the vague path I was trying to follow and run the risk of wandering off into a bog of metaphysics and conjectural reality. A couple of rather dangerous areas best left to the professionals.
So, these talented wizards are helping realise my dreams, by making the kind of little worlds that a part of me wished I was doing all the time. And really – as I have told them often – it is a real honour that they would have chosen some of my images to inspire their own. And – in the process, give some of my flat and bordered two dimensional imaginings, the gift of that extra dimension and with it a completely new lease of life.
This one is sculpted by the Joaquin Palacios, a full time sculptor who does beautiful freelance work for many different companies and individuals. The world of the painted miniature is a vast one that,for me goes back to my childhood when I avidly followed what was then called just military modelling. Grown men down the bottom of the garden in their shed giving life to lead and plastic soldiers. No fantasy stuff in those days. It was pretty much all Napoleonic and WW2. Now there are no limits and one can see the most mind-boggling creations. The standard of both sculpting and painting is staggering – not least the imagination in posing them and giving them an environment to look good in.
As a child, I remember driving through Europe, returning from a holiday in Switzerland. Actually, my dad did the driving. The continentals were infamous for their driving back then, but even they had one or two sensible rules in place about children behind the driving wheel. Anyway, as a surprise my dad detoured through Belgium and took us to the battlefield of Waterloo, which was my particular passion. In the visitor center there, there was a huge diorama of the battle with goodness knows how many beautifully painted figures. Hundreds and hundreds, each one beautifully done. I could have spent hours there, but the rumblings of discontent from other ranks in the family eventually drove us on. It was that bringing something to such vivid life, in a way that a painting could never do that captivated me then, and still does now. The sculptors here and many more like them are continuing that tradition and at the same time pushing for excellence and improvement as we all do (don’t we?).
 Another one from Joaquin. Look at the muscles and energy bursting from this Wolfen. I,m still flabbergasted each time I see it. These were done for – as you can see – Mumi – not the cute little Finnish trolls – but a collection of specially commissioned sculptures. Do a quick Google and have a gander at the goodies on display.
This one is pretty self explanatory in it’s gloriousness. Just won absolute top placing at one of the most prestigious competitions in Europe, The Crystal Brush. You can see some of the amazing entries on their site. The amazing paint job is by Sergio Calvo Rubio.
I’d better not blab on too much, though I could – but this post is meant to be about these artists – not me.
Beautiful – eh? Makes me so happy. Another one from Joaquin – taking what I do a bit further into that extra dimension. Love it! This one is bought to life with the beautiful painting by Marc Masclans.
Lovely – eh? From Allan Carrasco. Managed to really catch one of my favourite old paintings – especially with all those lovely mossy logs.
This old one for Rackham was sculpted by Carmine Giugliano – an Italian guy I have had contact with for a few years. A great guy and wonderful sculptor, he is not full-time, but when he has the time he honours me with using some of my little creatures for his beautiful sculpts.
Carmines take on another little Bonner goblin.
Alan Carrasco is another well known and respected sculpture who has honoured me with choosing some of  characters. “Nuff said – here’s some piccies……..
Still have not finished painting this goblin shaman………happily they did.
I was tempted to find more, as I know they are out there, but I could go on for ever and though I think they are wonderful – I don’t want to bombard you all with too many. Those sculptors out there that I did not include – I’m sure you know who you are – I’m sorry I did not get to squeeze you in. Hopefully people will be inspired to Google a bit and see what you get up to.Â
I’ll finish up with some little sculpts for Zombicide Black Plague that I did recently. A cracking table-top game with a host of gorgeous miniatures. Now I just have to find the time to paint them all.
Okay, I feel I’d better draw a veil over these wonders for now. Hope you have enjoyed seeing what some other folks have made of my art. To me it’s fantastic compliment, and an inspiration for me to carry on doing what I do. All the best ’till next time.
PS A Luke Wilson just sent me this, which I just have to include – a beautiful little model!
Paul Bonner is an English artist, who jumped longship to Denmark 25 years ago. With a Diploma in Illustration he graduated from the children's book world of London, to happily paint himself into a corner, inhabited by trolls, goblins and dwarves. A childhood love of Nordic tales and nature has inspired him to continue this tradition - until - happily - he is not really asked to do anything else.
Incredible! That extra dimension is magical … especially when holding it in one's hands, being able to turn it. These sculptors & painters are extremely talented, exceptional. Anatomy, textures and all that, but importantly for being able to turn 2D paintings into 3D, so faithfully. Not an easy task most of the time, but think this is a testimony about how well your paintings are worked out.
You have the advantage on being able to include distant mountains, mist, rain and skies though 😉
Never thought about the mountains and mist Nicolay – but you are right! Was thinking more of how final and violent in a weird way, that all our 2d attempts have to have some kind of a border. Very metaphysical stuff – I suspect! There is just the wonderful freedom that sculpts have; they exist in the same world as us. Thanks for the comment – and glad you like my ramblings.
Please just a suggestion from a constant reader of your site. The horizontally sliding multi-picture show in your header makes my eyes hurt….is there any way you could just choose one as you had before?
carx street apkonPalencar at the ButlerJohn Jude Palencar’s work has always been mesmerizing, and this solo exhibition at the Butler sounds like an incredible opportunity to see his artistr…
AminawajidonCarnage on the StripI get paid over $130 1 to 3 hours working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $27k a mon…
AminawajidonBe Brave, Be HumanI get paid over $130 1 to 3 hours working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $27k a mon…
AminawajidonConcept ProcessI get paid over $130 1 to 3 hours working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I'd be able to do it but my best friend earns over $27k a mon…
Incredible! That extra dimension is magical … especially when holding it in one's hands, being able to turn it. These sculptors & painters are extremely talented, exceptional. Anatomy, textures and all that, but importantly for being able to turn 2D paintings into 3D, so faithfully. Not an easy task most of the time, but think this is a testimony about how well your paintings are worked out.
You have the advantage on being able to include distant mountains, mist, rain and skies though 😉
Thanks for a great article, Paul!
Never thought about the mountains and mist Nicolay – but you are right! Was thinking more of how final and violent in a weird way, that all our 2d attempts have to have some kind of a border. Very metaphysical stuff – I suspect! There is just the wonderful freedom that sculpts have; they exist
in the same world as us. Thanks for the comment – and glad you like my ramblings.
Hi Paul, thanks for it!
just to correct one credit, the “two orcs in the forest” are done by allan carrasco, not Joaquin 😉
So sorry Allan! I,ll see if I can correct it. I got a bit muddled sorting all the photos. Sorry.
Thanks Paul, wonderfull article!
You are welcome Joaquin. Only wish I could have put up more photos. Next time – when we have some new things to show!
Please just a suggestion from a constant reader of your site. The horizontally sliding multi-picture show in your header makes my eyes hurt….is there any way you could just choose one as you had before?
Just great sculptures vasado in your paintings
I agree Pyracanthra – hopefully the powers that be will see your comment and take note!
They are wonderful – aren't they. Glad you enjoyed them.
Great piece to read, and so proud to be included. 🙂
My pleasure Luke. It,s a wonderful little model that deserved to be in there!
This is incredible to see, thank you so much for sharing Paul!
Thanks for looking in Colin! Glad you enjoyed it.