We have been working really hard behind the scenes here on Muddy Colors, trying to be the very best blog we can be. Admittedly, there are sometimes unforeseen obstacles which hinder those plans.
For instance, we weren’t quite aware of just how much traffic and data we would have to handle once we moved the blog to our new address. Managing 2500+ articles, which are all extremely image heavy, is no easy task. This is something we took for granted at our old Blogspot address which was powered by Google’s incredible servers. You may have been experiencing some pretty slow response times when visiting us recently, and we apologize for that. Though, in recent days we’ve made some amazing progress with the blog, and hopefully you’re now seeing the results. We’ve been investing much more time and money into the blog and our servers, and it should be running MUCH faster for you now! We thank you all for being so patient while we figured that out.
We have also finally gotten around to reimplementing our daily emails that many of you had grown accustomed to.
If you don’t know what I’m referring to, at the bottom of the blog, you will find a subscription bar. Entering your email address here will subscribe you to a daily newsletter. Each morning, you will receive an email from us which will include a short synopsis of the day’s Featured Post, as well as a recap of all the recent posts you may have missed. If you see something that strikes your fancy, all you have to do is click on it in your email, and you’ll go directly to the post you want to read. There’s no need to visit the blog to see what’s new, though we still encourage you to! This email subscription is a great way for those of us who are too busy to visit daily, or have limited internet connections, but still want to stay informed with what’s going on on the blog.
Many of you have already signed up for this feature on the old blog, and have asked us why it stopped. We are pleased to say that as of today, it is up and running again! We hope you will take advantage of it.
Although these two items have been at the very top of our ‘to-do’ list, they are by no means the only things we’ve been working on. We have some seriously exciting news coming up that we think will really blow you all away. Stay tuned in the coming weeks to see what we have in store for you!
And once again, we want to thank all of our Patreon supporters, and everyone who has purchased one of our videos. Those donations are funding our servers, design fees, and helping us to develop some truly exciting new features for everyone. We really couldn’t do it without you!!!
I’m glad you got the site sorted out, it must have been a monumental undertaking to move off of the blogspot platform. The website looks and runs great! The important thing is that you have full control of Muddy Colors now, rather than google’s control.
Thanks, Joel. That’s precisely why we did it. We wanted to make sure that we owned and maintained everything ourselves, so that we can ensure it will ALWAYS be here for future generations.
Yay!!! Thank you for re-implementing the daily email feature! I love seeing Muddy Colors in my inbox every day đŸ˜€