It’s finally out! My first artbook is published and I have it in my hands as I am writing this.
Editions Caurette publishing
I still remember the first fantasy artbook I bought. It was by Rodney Matthews, and I had save my allowance money for 2 months to buy it. It was a treasure and a well of inspiration. Actually it formed my fantasy illustrations for years, since it was my only artbook for a very long time.
The next book I save up for was Michale Whelans “Works of Wonder”. Once again it totally changed how I was drawing and painting. Whelan was painting using acrylics and I was using watercolor, so I switched right away.
When we started the production of my own artbook, I had these memories in mind. When my publisher asked how many pages I was thinking about adding to the book or how much art would be in it, I knew the answer right away: All of it!
If somehow I can reach another young artist going out to buy his or her first artbook and find inspiration, it is all i have hoped for. Sharing my last 15 years of art with you guys, is a privilege and a joy.
So the book was published 2 weeks ago in Angouleme comic festival. As I have mentioned earlier i was asked to sign the book with the fabulous Karl Kopinski on my right side and Master Kim Jung Gi at my right. It is an understatement to say I was nervous. I am not in anyway a sketch artist. I would rather be called a doodler or a trial by error-artist. it was like having to play in a 3 man band with Miles Davis and Coltrane. “yeah Jesper, we know trumpet is not your favorite thing but play anyway. And remember going up there; you have so many other qualities too. You are also good at cooking”.
It took me half a day to relax. Karl was being helpful and told me to not worry. He even complemented on my bad drawings and I finally settled into doing some figures and faces that I liked.
Here are some of them:
All thoses elfs are sooooo good so much anthropomorphic character on their designs and other worldly expressions that show that their in touch with nature and far beyond their years
Those sketches are great and o so lovely <3
I think these sketches shows very well the emotions you were going through making them:) They are great!