Sketchbook Affirmations
Saturday, April 4th, 2020
Well, my computer had a meltdown two days ago and is currently out of commission. Life always has interesting ways of giving us perspective, and right now, absolutely everything feels small in comparison to the much more dire global situation we are all finding ourselves in… Today, I share some sketchbook pages. I am humbled, being reminded by the circumstances that I have the privilege to use my phone here to post this, and here we are. It’s interesting because what I decided to share here are some images of a few sketchbook pages with short, understated phrases that have helped remind me to keep going even when I might have felt like I was not quite up to the task. The phrases were formed from words I linked or “discovered” within the paragraphs that already existed on the pages, and they weren’t necessarily planned but rather they emerged or revealed themselves. At least, that’s the way I find best describes it, and they end up being timely and timeless affirmations for me. With these sketchbooks, my subconscious gets a chance to give my conscious a break, and it helps to shift my perspective on things I had stored up and were cluttering my brain. A lot of those subconscious riffs find their chance to rise up when I allow myself to experiment and use things I might not be using when working on a commission or other project, and the words play a big part in invoking the image and marks. I have a few of these found phrase affirmation sketchbooks now, and I am absolutely motivated and inspired to continue on with them, when I get the chance to steal away and work into them for a bit.
“Heed the call to create. The art will remain unshaken”
I share this one and really all of these as a reminder of the strength our art has. It has the power to help our souls, to help ourselves and others through things, to navigate unknown territories, whether it be in the process alone, the outcome, or both. And it’s not only about the art, but its connection to the processing of all else (just.. life) as well.
Right now, I’m working on a couple paintings that aren’t ready to share just yet, but I continue to work on these sketchbook pieces because they’re a big help to me in many ways, with everything else going on too. They’re sometimes graphite only, but usually mixed media (graphite, watercolor, acrylic) on gessoed book pages with selected words from the page underneath showing through.
“It is worth the courage”
This one was from a late night sketching session. As in all of these here in this post, the words are from the book page underneath the gesso. A quick note here to say that the words are not cut out and pasted down, but are in the same place they appear in the text on the book page, and I paint over the rest of the page with gesso. That’s why I call them “found phrases”.
In this one, the face was painted in acrylic. I had fun creating the feel of shinier ‘spot varnished’ areas with gloss medium and carving out with spatulas and combs. A lot of times, these serve the purpose of stepping back from the commission painting I’m working on and throwing some paint at the sketchbook for a while.
“A voyager will persevere”
This image shows the page after being gessoed and before I start the sketch. A freshly gessoed book page. This is just painted on with a brush, using two or three coats. Some of the tools I use to add the sketch later are: pencil, brush, eraser, blending stump, just to name a few. I also use paint, ink, spatulas, exacto blades, found objects, leaves.. the list is long and not always the same.. I use all sorts of stuff! Because we can do that if we feel like it! A sketchbook is a place to do whatever we feel like doing – drawing, painting, writing, and using any tools and materials. Because it’s a sketchbook and a place to sketch however, wherever, and whatever we want in it.
I love working in these found phrase sketchbooks a little bit here and there each day between working on other paintings because it really keeps me balanced, and it gives me ideas for things to try in my other work too.
Here is the sketch that I ended up filling that blank page with:
“A voyager will persevere”
It’s an abstract graphite sketch. With this one, I was thinking of this in an abstract sense/conceptually, how the marks would represent what’s on the periphery along the way of a journey into the unknown. With mysterious things ahead of us and beside us all along the way, we navigate through, find our way, and discover new things. Speaking on behalf of art-making and life in general.
A technical side note: Drawing on unsanded gesso allows for some neat variety and effects. The texture is on a really small scale here, but fun nonetheless.
“undivided, adrift, We lift up and expand together”
This one is graphite only, and again, the words inspired me to illustrate this phrase in an abstract sense.
“I found purpose”
This one is mixed media – graphite and acrylic using a silicone comb to make those rake marks.
“I found from a strong intense period of expansion I had the power to look ahead”
This book has turned into quite a powerful little safe space for me. I’m so happy to be working in it. I’ve also got a few other sketchbooks I work in interchangeably and it’s been very interesting to find them being synchronous in message. They’re different, but overall, basically, they are good for my soul.
After reading through this post, I encourage you to go back and read the words on the sketchbook pages only. I even suggest reading them aloud. I’ve found that they’re great little mantras to keep close at heart, especially in times like these.
I hope you’re all hanging in there. Stay safe and much love.
And just in case, don’t forget:
borrow the strength when in despair. A friendly hand is there.
I’m always amazed by these sketches and found phrases, and how they combine into something even more inspiring than their separate parts. Fabulous post. Hang in there as well.
Aw well thanks a bunch, Francesco. Take care over there!
Thank you Vanessa for sharing your journey and your art. It is very inspiring to me. I truly enjoy reading your thoughts and process about your art. I hope I can find a book and do the same as you have – gesso the pages and find words that communicate long held words inside my soul. The words you choose to reveal are poetic. Of all the artists I have seen, you are one of the most inspirational and healing to me.
I am purchasing some art materials before I fear it will get harder to find them. I want to buy some Trekell brushes that you use. I love painting female portraits. I find I communicate a part of myself or something I see in humanity in them.
I see you use a mop to soften the background and synthetic rounds. I bought one Trekell size 8 round and love it! I will buy more in smaller sizes.
To me, your paintings often show a strength and emotional/spiritual depth that most artists do not paint or draw in images of females. I love all your art, but your books are especially meaningful to me.
Just want to add – I am sorry your computer!!! Hope you are able to buy a new one or get it fixed. So glad you were able to use your phone camera and share this. The quote below you wrote is just what I needed today. Every day I have to wrestle with an inner voice that tells me not to draw or paint. But I must heed the call to create or I am not happy. Thanks again. Art is like air to me.
“Heed the call to create. The art will remain unshaken”
I share this one and really all of these as a reminder of the strength our art has. It has the power to help our souls, to help ourselves and others through things, to navigate unknown territories, whether it be in the process alone, the outcome, or both. And it’s not only about the art, but its connection to the processing of all else (just.. life) as well.”
My apologies for another note!!! But I remembered an old Persian Fairytale I read years ago. The part of the tale that stuck with me is when the sister travels to rescue her brother who has turned to stone. She is told by the old wise man sitting at the base of a hill. He warns her that to complete her task, she must climb to the top of the hill but as she ascends, she will hear voices that fill her with fear and doubt. She must keep eyes on her goal at the top of the hill and not look back. If she does, she too will be turned to stone. Knowing this, she takes strips of cloth and plugs her ears and begins to ascend. The voices are muffled enough that she is able to reach the top of the hill. Her brother is saved and no longer stone. This story helps me. I can’t remember the title, but hope I can find it again.
Hi Pamela- thank you very much for these amazing comments. I truly appreciate it. I’m so glad to hear that this article and my work is inspirational and healing for you. That means so much to me. I do hope you’re able to try working with something like this, even if not this exactly but something that helps to process and motivate you to dig deep and find peace there.
Regarding the Terkel brushes, I’ve got various types of brushes from them and there are some favorites of mine that are their brand, specifically their mood and the tiniest of rounds that’s actually called a spotter brush – it’s a Golden Taklon 20.0. It’s great for the very small details, and holds up really well. If you have any questions about their materials, they are wonderful people and are very nice and helpful if you send them a message. Tell them I say hello! Also, if I can help you with anything regarding the brushes or that sort of thing, I’d be happy to.
Thanks about my computer. I will be okay. Everything was backed up, so there was already relief in just knowing that..
The story you shared here is a great lesson. I’ve found that meditating a little more than usual and having specific focuses that I feel are personally helpful while I meditate during this time has helped immensely in quieting those internal voices, and staying strong and with hope on this journey into the unknown. Truly.
All the best to you, keep in touch, and stay safe.. and thank you again. <3
Oof – a couple typos/auto-corrects: Trekell brushes, of course, not Terkel — and mops (not mood) although mood brushes would be really interesting! 😀
This is great! Thank you.
Thank you, Nico! Glad you liked it~ 🙂 Hope you are well and staying safe.