In the last week or so there’s been a trend of artists on Twitter sharing their sketches “vs” their final works.

I’m a big sucker for this kind of stuff. Throw those lines into loosely descriptive shapes and I’m there!

Many times I’ve felt that I “get” more out of sketches and drawings than finished work. When I can see the scaffolding underneath a particular work, be that rough as it may be, I feel I can understand it that much better. I’m then able to incorporate some of that newfound knowledge into my own process. If I see the artist’s thumbprint I’m more clearly able to trace the ideas from inception to creation.

From whatever form the initial scribbles take to the delivery of a fully realized piece, it’s a visual journey that always proves educational.

So! To save you the trouble of descending into the dread maw of Twitter yourself, allow me. I’ve taken the liberty to pull some of my favorites.

Without further ado!


Kei Acedera


Karla Ortiz


Ilse Gort


Erin Vest


Nico Delort


Peter de SĆØve


Lois van Baarle


Erica Williams


Jason Caffoe




Julie Dillon


Brynn Metheney


Ethan M. Aldridge


And, as a bonus, my own humble offering.


Links to each artist and their original “sketch vs final” tweets are at their names under the images, if you’d like to follow and find out more about their work.

Be sure to follow @muddycolors on Twitter and Instagram!