Winner of the 2020 Art Prize – Phill Singer

It is not too late to enter the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize competition! It’s a wonderful competition that is growing and is put on by Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. I think it was originally going to close on the 17th of July, but has been extended to the 31st of July, so just 1 day left to enter!

Here is a link to enter

Beautiful Bizarre Magazine is edited by Danijela Krha Purssey and has been around for about 7 years. It comes out quarterly and has featured several friends of Muddy Colors over the years. They have a large audience both online and in print. I have also witnessed how they have promoted artists and the arts, again and again, putting the art and artist first in their articles and social media. I think I can say with confidence that they are truly supportive of artists!

Why am I writing about the Art Prize contest here? I want to say first that I have no association with them other than having entered the Art Prize in the past. I think it is can be a wonderful way to introduce your work to new clients, galleries, and potential fans of your work. There is also a chance to win cash and some other prizes. $45,000 total in cash and prizes will be awarded with $10k going to the grand prize winner.

The contest is broken down into four categories: Traditional, Photography, Digital, and Sculpture.  Brom is the judge of the Traditional category!

Here are some of the sponsors of the event that will be providing prizes to some of the winners:


Even if you decide to not enter something, I would recommend following along to see what makes it into the contest. I find it very inspiring. You can follow along via the Beautiful Bizarre Instagram account or Twitter or Facebook.

Good luck and I will be waiting along with you to see what great art this year’s contest presents!