I recently printed up a small run of a couple comics for Arisia, a convention in Boston. In the past I have used Print Ninja for this and had a pretty decent result in the end, but somethng was very wrong with the first batch. I don’t remember exactly what anymore–they agreed it was an error on their part and printed a whole new batch and overnighted it to me for free, if I remember correctly. While I was happy with the print quality in the end, it was nerve wracking waiting to see if the second printing would look professional. It had been ten years and I figured I’d better research and see if any other good-looking options had come up since then.
I found recommendations for a print service called Mixam and decided to give it a try. There are a good amount of paper, texture/coating, cover stock, binding, and size choices. Once you make some selections and upload your page images, the site auto-generates a preview of your project which you can flip through like a simulated book.
It also auto-generates a high res PDF which you can download and check. You can order a physical copy as a proof by ordering one copy by itself so see and hold in person before ordering more. That is, of course, if you have time. Once you approve the files, it takes about two weeks to get your physicial print.
The print quality looks good! And the prices for a small batch are good too. The biggest area of possible improvement would be the packing of the books once printed.
The box my comics came in was very beat up, and the comics inside were only loosely shrink-wrapped and otherwise left loose in a box quite a bit larger than the books.
This led to some of the individuals copies being at times pretty badly dented.
But the quality of the print looked great!
I had my old comic from ten years ago printed as well, and came to the same conclusion: Nice quality, great price, but a few books could be too dented to sell.
The interior looked great though! (Pardon my phone photos – the books looked great in person!)
If you’d like a copy of my comic Cut Flowers, you can order it here.
Ooh. Nice resource! I love getting good printing recommendations. I’ve bene using Artistexpress.net, and really like them. Extremely consistent.
Oh that’s good to know! I still use El-Co for my art prints, that was one you recommended to me many years ago.
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When Mixam first entered the comic book space, the printing was comparable to some of the best I’d ever seen. The first book was professionally shipped in double walled boxed and every book was crisp, sharp and not a dented one of the thousand we printed. A year later when we were ready to do the first of the beginning of our line, the printing was still great but the packaging was sub-standard and we ran into the same problem as you did. In fact, to get them from one location to another we had to bind the boxes with packing tape to keep them intact.