Things are changing, for better and for worse but the one thing that is sure is that they will continue to do so.
My advice in this dynamic landscape we live in: Continue to do the work that is *most* you without pause or trepidation.
Yes, there are certainly aspects of this new world that will be difficult, disturbing and off-putting.
It is not the progress of science and technology but its development and application that will be an issue for most people I think but… There is no application or algorithm that can be, on a foundational level, you. You, your being, is the primary, critical and most important facet of your (art)work.
Yes, there are some people that are satisfied with easy copies of more brilliant efforts, but you, the real, are more valuable, intrinsically worthy, than *any* facsimile.
Your hand invests subtle intentions and microcosmic subtext to everything you do whether it is, digital or traditional.
—An invested brushstroke is powerful.
Remember, like blustering bullies, there will always be those who rely on on fear and misrepresentation to pretend at power. Real power comes with being who you are, unreservedly, unapologetically, in the face of those who are false and without regard to their permission, even as they insist they get to define who you are. This is not their purview or right.
As the world becomes increasingly artificial, be more real, and by real I mean be the you that you truly are.
It is my opinion that the world needs you, your real work, now more than ever.
Love this!
Thank you Lisa. 🙂
Great post 🙂
I’m back in school so my art-making is currently much reduced, but what I do have time for, I’ve been making an effort to make it just for me.
If someone else likes it, too, all the better!
Thats terrific Ashley! It is difficult to create at the best of times for many reasons, doubly so when also going to school. The fact that you still make time for it, in my opinion, means it will be with you always. Indulging in that creative impulse is so necessary..Bravo!
Brilliant article. Very important one in the times when AI tricksters artfellas. Thank you, Allen.
Thank you Allen!
Stay true to yourself, and your work will continue to resonate deeply and authentically in this evolving world.
Nice Creativity .
I get paid over $130 1 to 3 hours working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $27k a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless.