This is going to be a short post because I am just coming home from the Type Director’s Club Book Design Night and it’s well past midnight. TDC Book Night is the one night a year most (if not all) of the Book Designers in all the Big Publishers in NYC get together to celebrate their own. And it took a long pandemic break, so this was the first time it’s been held since 2019. And while I know this is mostly an illustrator blog, a hell of a lot of folks here are interested in book cover work, and this is a good resource for finding out how Designers and Art Directors in Book Publishing think. And it’s good to learn some of the names for your client lists.
The TDC Youtube channel has a number of interesting videos to learn more about Book Design & Art Direction from the inside, and here’s some highlights from Book Nights past, and some other videos about how books behind the scenes. And this year’s will be posted to the channel soon:
(Shameless plug: the first video was the year I presented so it’s a bit more genre/sff-focused)
And if you’re a big typography nerd, do check out the TDC. They’re a little NYC-centric, since Publishing is, but they do have virtual events and competitions that are international.
Thanks for sharing! I’m very interested in this, especially since book covers are one of my focuses. I always love reading your articles, and refer back to them a lot.
My pleasure!