With  The Woods In-between marking my 15th annual sketchbook collection, it’s worth noting that I haven’t always offered “Artist Edition” versions of my yearly collections.

Sure, for the first few I might scribble a little doodle alongside a signature on the title page or personalize the sketchbook in someway, but I wouldn’t exactly call these artist editions.

At some point, I began to offer a version of the sketchbook identical in every way to the standard version, but with an original drawing on the title page. Not a new idea, certainly, but it was a new endeavor for me at the time (whenever that actually was, I don’t remember, probably 2017’s The Walking Hills).

And over the years, I’ve scanned or photographed some of my favorites. For example, I did about 100 title page drawings in copies of my five sketchbook hardcover anthology, Visions of Whence, and chronicled the exploits here on Muddy Colors. 

And while for most of my sketchbooks it’s a closed edition of a certain number, with the Visions anthology I decided to leave it open in case anybody wanted to commission one after that Kickstarted had concluded. I’ve done a ton since that book released in late 2018 (in fact, just yesterday someone else ordered one!) and so here are selections from that original post alongside a handful of new ones.

These were from that initial book release back in 2018 and below are a couple other favorites from the intervening years. Some we requests (like the snail) and the other a dealer’s choice, as it were.

That book isn’t the only one, of course, and I’ve got a number of others from my different sketchbooks as well. Let’s take a look!

And what about The Woods In-between? In fact, I just finished the first one. Until next time!