Saturday September 21, 2024
11am – 6pm
397 Pacific Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Save the Date!
This Fall (or the end of Summer) will see the annual hosting of an Open Studio here at our home and studio in Brooklyn. Open to you, friends, and anyone who you may like to bring along.
I will be showcasing the newly finished, large scale Middle-earth canvas, the Bridge of Khazad-dûm, alongside handfuls of new oil paintings including recent work for Tad William’s Stone of Farewell, D&D themed drawings, Empathetic Robot projects, as well as scores of classics from my 30+ year career as an illustrator.
Of lucky significance for this event is that September 21st is also the 87th Anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien!
I cannot be more thrilled by this opportunity to celebrate the writings and art of Middle-earth. Keep your eyes out for some very special offerings as I plan events and give-a-ways for this day.

Come join us at the Green Dragon in Brooklyn (yes, it is STILL growing its head and tail) to eat, drink, and commingle with fellow artists, professionals, and fans and raise a toast to J.R.R. Tolkien!
Anchoring the studio for the second year in a row is another massive Middle-earth work, at 66″ x 80″, and this time – framed! The successful Kickstarter which just ended this past week will allow me to offer that special print for visitors to examine first hand and purchase if you missed out on the campaign.
New works from Magic:The Gathering as well as interior art for projects with Grim Oak Press will be on display throughout the studio.
For those who may be Darrell Sweet fans, I have his original acrylic painting of the Hobbit cover hanging in our home. This was the artwork used on the paperback book I first read as a young teenager!
Stratego fans?? Anyone who played the board game in the late 1990’s into the 2000’s may have seen this artwork on the game box cover!
Heavy discounts on prints and select original artworks will be offered. I will also have a handful of sketchbooks around for browsing and a few portfolios filled with large, preliminary drawings and studies will also be on display for perusal.
Stop by, take in some art, and kick back in the backyard while you enjoy a lemonade in a little part of the Shire in Brooklyn and raise a toast to Tolkien!
Thanks for sharing this! Very useful and well-explained.
Your passion for art shines through in every word. Fantastic!