Quick one for you guys this month! Being a guitar addict, I was researching the guitars the Beatles played, and had a revelatory moment where I was thinking, how cool it was that at times specific guitars are as much a portrait of a famous musician as the musicians themselves. Next thing you know I was as eager to paint the guitars as I was the portrait. Maybe more eager. I think there are many folks (myself included) who would rather hang a surreal painting of an instrument than they would a literal portrait. It somehow allows the viewer to get inside the painting easier.
And the good news for a guitar addict, is that when I paint them, I feel less of a need to seek them out and buy them, lol.
Hope y’all dig! Guitar by me on this.
Brilliant idea!
Wonderful outcome!
Hope you’ll get lots of orders!
Thank you, Scott!
Fantastic concept!
Excellent results!
Wishing you plenty of orders!
Thanks, Scott!
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For guitar nerds and Beatles fans, this Musicscape not only celebrates the instrument’s role in musical history, but also shows how art can bridge passion and restraint.