Been going to local figure drawing sessions lately. There’s a local art studio here in Kingston that’s been kind enough to host monthly figure drawing sessions, and I’ve made it a point of going. Just got back from doing it a little while ago. Feeling recharged 🙂

It’s been fun to work from a live model again. Figure drawing is like the best drawing exercise. When I was in art school I always felt like I made my biggest jumps when I was doing a lot of live figure drawing. and like most things when you’re young, I totally took it for granted.

now that I’m old,  it’s easy to fall into my patterns and. its nice to be able to just sort of draw for drawing’s sake, experiment and play around and take chances I might not if I was working alone in my studio.

I’ll bring a bunch of different stuff, lots of different pencils, and colored pencils, nupastels, I’ve brought acrylic paints, and as always the trusty old iPad.

The results? Mixed. I’m definitely out of practice. Figure drawing is sort of its own thing, I’ve been a way from it for so long that some nights I really feel the rust. But I’m trying.

Hope they keep doing these since it’s crazy close to my house and they book good experienced models.

Here are some random figures from this year in no particular order: