I am starting a new project: Garden Birds. 

Its a fully illustrated book about the 50 most common birds in the garden in Scandinavia. There is a lot of those books out there, but whats different with this one is that its not a field guide its more an inspirational book that shows all the interesting little behaviors and details about birds that most people know. 

In order for me to capture all these details I have started sketching in on each species. I started with Wrens; my favorite bird. And moved on to Robin. This week I am doing house sparrow and sparrow hawk. The plan is to sketch and discover my way through all of the 50 birds, combine it with field studies and photos of ordinary birds doing ordinary bird things. After its all covered i will make a painting of each. 

Its a project that hits home. I started drawing seriously when I was nine years old and it started with birds. I feel like doing a bird book is the epilog to my art career, and I better get to it. 

Some of these watercolors and sketches are not only Garden Birds, but are painting i have done over the fall to get my bearings in this whole bird-art-world. i found out that watercolor is way harder and more difficult than i thought and I might stick to acrylics just from this experience alone.