Well, here it is, day 2 of a new year!.. or.. a moment amidst a succession of infinite moments.. a continuum..
Some may call it a new beginning, a time-stamped signifier of starting anew, a refresh, or even a departure from what was. We can make it whatever we want it to be, and maybe even more importantly, we can relinquish our need for control when it comes to some of the parts we hold onto so tightly. I think this might be one of the most important things we might try to do, honestly. Especially when it comes to time. There is always the present, and as far as I can tell, tomorrow this will also be true.
I think when it comes to setting intentions or goals, we can also entertain this sort of mindset as well. Because really, so often when it comes to arriving at something, we find on the course of our journey, that it’s not so much about having a set place of destination, but that it’s a constant departing and arriving in the recognizing of a new way of seeing. We are still in the same vessel, but with a new sense of wonder, a fresh attentiveness, carved into something new by the witnessing, cracked open by the desire for a deeper understanding.
I believe we can all benefit from finding the magic in feeling lost, in wandering within this vast inner landscape, humbled there inside our own existence. We the voyagers will persevere, and in becoming more in tune with the act of exploring, we learn to eagerly anticipate what shifts from unknown to familiar. We grow with every exploration. There will always be a holding of what is deeply felt and known, and a pact within to always know it’s there. Even when we truly do start over at something entirely, we the explorer are always there, malleable, and our newness is our strength and wisdom we gain from our experiences.
Happy New Year. Cheers to our ongoing adventure and existence here together.
Wonderful! And Happy New Year. :}
There is such beauty in the suggestive textures you share, Vanessa—I can almost see so many things; so many places are opened for the mind to wander. (Feathers digging into stone? A ripple of muscle? Wild!)
Thank you very much for this article! A great springboard for a new mindset.
May we all be explorers this year!
This reflection is beautifully written and deeply insightful. It captures the essence of living in the present and embracing the flow of time without rigid expectations. I love the idea that setting intentions isn’t about fixating on a destination but about embracing the journey and allowing it to shape us. The metaphor of being in the same vessel yet transformed by fresh wonder and understanding is particularly powerful. It’s a gentle reminder to stay open, curious, and adaptable, letting go of the illusion of control and appreciating the infinite continuum of moments. Truly inspiring!
A powerful and inspiring reflection on new beginnings in art and creativity.