A handful of recent drawings to share here.
My words of advice for the month:
‘stay diversified’
that way you don’t have to blink when you tell certain clients to take a hike when you are done with them.
Keep making art, keep sharing.
That is how we move forward with creation.



Mars Violet – swordswoman – ‘I am Done with You’, 14″ x 11″, Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned Paper 

Mitch, 14″ x 11″. Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned Paper


Sam Passes the Two Watchers, 14″ x 11″. Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned Paper

Life Drawing, 14″ x 11″. Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned Paper


Hunting for Gold, 14″ x 11″, Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned Paper

Gandalf, 14″ x 11″, Watercolor Pencil and Chalk on Toned Paper

Norn Assassins – To Green Angel Tower, 24″ x 18″, Graphite Pencil and Chalk on Toned Paper

Sludig – To Green Angel Tower, 24″ x 18″, Graphite Pencil and Chalk on Toned Paper

Gifts from the Blue Mountains, 12″ x 16″, Oil on Paper Board

Sithi Standing Stone – To Green Angel Tower, 20″ x 16″, Oil on Paper Board