The Passion Awakens (detail of face)  The Full figure painting is 48″ x 48” x 2 1/8″ mixed media on three assembled cradled panels  © Lisa L. Cyr, Cyr Studio LLC

Have you ever spent time in a museum just gazing at a portrait or studying the connection between the characters in a narrative painting, feeling completely captivated? I know I have. The depth of emotions that are conveyed, the subtle nuances of light and shadow that capture just the right the mood or the sheer imaginative quality of the image has the ability to move people, making them feel something: even something profound. The ability to share a life through art, writing, theatre, film and the like is an essential part of the human experience. It is what makes us feel that we are not alone in this world.


Creating compelling works of art is an elaborate dance between knowledge, technical skill, human experience and artistic voice and vision.


In the days of AI-generated imagery, human life experience, the good, the bad and the ugly, is what artists bring to the table. AI has no soul and has never experienced loss, pain, joy, love or any human emotion, for that matter. So, it seems to me that our life experience, warts and all, is where we draw our superpower from. Don’t hide your superpower. Lead with it! It reminds me of the scene in Secretariat where the owner says “Let him run, let him run!” and everyone gets to experience the beauty and magic. When we live in the joy of being who we are, others are inspired. Here is that memorable clip:

Knowledge, although necessary, will only get you so far in your journey. There also needs to be a long-term, ongoing commitment by an artist to show up everyday and practice the craft from an honest place with subjects that we are connected to. Diligent practice over time not only gains proficiency but also sharpens our insights into the subjects we choose to shed light on. Technical skill alone without engagement with the world through the lens of personal experience is and will always be limiting. We need to create from a place within ourselves, leaning into those experiences and insights that have been brewing over a lifetime.


Remember the great illustrative teachings of Howard Pyle and Harvey Dunn which recognized that it is what comes from within an artist that makes the pictures he or she chooses to bring to life not only great but worth doing in the first place.


If your goal and journey as an artist is to explore your full creative potential, then you must lead with your superpower more than ever. Lean into it and don’t let anyone or anything discourage or block your voice from coming through. Don’t feel compelled to let AI speak for you or write about YOUR work with its constant push to make you feel inadequate. I have had to block so much lately, changing my privacy setting to prevent AI from controlling my voice with its constant requests to “rewrite me”. Seriously AI!  I speak for myself and choose to converse with others in my own way that, for me, is real, authentic and genuine. AI tries to create the illusion of something (with really strange facial features and hands) but will never connect with an audience, because it can’t. Period.


We all have something inside us that makes us unique as creative beings. Each of us deserves the chance to go on our own artistic journey. When we heed the call to venture outside of our comfort zones, we are better artists and more fulfilled as human beings because of it.

The Courageous
© 2020 Lisa L. Cyr, Cyr Studio LLC
30.25″ x 19” x 2.5”
acrylic, oil, collage & assemblage on
canvas over masonite & board with wooden framework

Fear of rejection or standing too far out from the crowd stops so many from even starting their journey of discovery and self expression. Your work is special because it is different and that’s a good thing! It is what sets your work apart in a highly saturated, fractured and uncertain art industry. Finding your unique voice and vision begins with nurturing the creative spirit within. Don’t jump ship and drown in the sea of AI mediocrity. We need to look inside ourselves, double down and pursue that same ideology that Pyle and Dunn taught so many years ago.

One of the things I love about the Muddy Colors blog is that it exists because the contributing artists, myself included, believe in the importance of carrying the torch of artmaking and storytelling to a new generation that has been often lost and confused.


The overwhelming power of social media makes artists feel they must constantly be carnival barkers: constantly performing and producing for the algorithm’s agenda. We, as artists and illustrators, need to focus our efforts on the art and not on the followers, which are fleeting at best.

I loved a recent study that was put out called The State of Create. It presents a new way forward. I would highly recommend reading it. The world is changing and artists need to take control of the reins and change the playing field so that they are back in the driver’s seat!

The Phoenix Rises  24″ x 12″ x 1 3/4″ mixed media on cradled Masonite panel © Lisa L. Cyr, Cyr Studio LLC

When I created my Patreon page called Navigating the Labyrinth of the Creative Mind, I did so with the intent of teaching artists as individuals, nurturing their unique voice and vision.  So much is out there today on the web that basically throws information out at people. It is sort of a fire hose of content that is presented in a one-size-fits all approach. I wanted a better way for artists to learn and engage. I developed my Masterclass as a unique approach to learning, where each artist works on their own projects, whether that be standalone works or works in a series. Unlike a one and done workshop or an assignment-driven class, this online atelier supports each individual artist’s intent on creating works that they really want to pursue, from ideation, and creation to the promotion. I grew up as a baby boomer, where you got to know people through physical engagement and you learned things by doing them. I believe that personal contact, targeted learning that is specific to each student’s needs and mentoring an artist on their journey is the most effective and long lasting way of teaching.


As an artist and teacher, the quality of my life springs from the choices I make. I am not interested in throwing out information to thousands of people at once and never having personal contact. I am interested in the joy of seeing artists prosper over time, knowing that I had some part in that journey.


My Rediscovering Your Creative Self Podcast was created as a way to reach out to artists worldwide. The podcast episodes are just another way I choose to help artists find their own voice and vision through their creator endeavors. It is my way of saying KEEP ON YOUR PATH. Don’t let yourself loose sight of what is important to you. There is not a week that goes by where I don’t hear something from an artist working alone in their studio and feeling that something I said resonated and helped them push through. This, for me, is the reward. It is what makes all the efforts I do worth doing. The podcast is FREE! You can sign up as a Free member to my Patreon site Navigating the Labyrinth of the Creative Mind site and never miss an episode!

I don’t know what the future will bring in the world of art. But I do know this….you will NEVER have regrets choosing the work that you really are connected to. Don’t fall prey to what someone or something from the outside world chooses for you. It is YOUR journey. It is your life’s path. Choose it wisely and from the heart. As a writer for magazines and books, I have had the amazing opportunity to interview creatives from a multitude of disciplines and from all over the globe. Through all of those experiences, there is a thread that binds.


Things all came together for artists when they chose to lead with their superpower (themselves through their work), building up that platform, standing on it and sharing it with the world.


For me, an atelier-style, mentorship-driven learning experience creates a supportive community in which to learn and grow at a pace artists feel comfortable with. When the focus is about the art and the artist’s journey, transformative experiences begin to happen. Artists feel seen, heard and supported.

My Navigating the Labyrinth of the Creative Mind Masterclass was created to be a mentorship-driven learning experience, catering to the needs of each artist as an individual. It also delves into a vast array of methodologies, techniques and approaches in figurative mixed-media art. Through visually-stimulating demonstrations, I meticulously document cutting-edge processes, from the initial concept to final execution and promotion of the work. Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional techniques are explored, offering a comprehensive array of possibilities for artists to experiment with. Over 700 pieces of content are currently on the site!  The site is truly a Playground of Possibilities! Check out the Collection of Content!

For artists seeking to break from convention and forge their own unique artistic voice, experimental mixed-media painting techniques creates a compelling journey into reigniting with your creative spirit within, opening up a gateway for artistic growth throughout the year and beyond. The learning experience encourages artists to embrace creative play, stepping outside their comfort zones.

Self Awareness  30.5″ x 21.5” x 1.75” acrylic, oil, collage & assemblage on canvas over Masonite & board with wooden framework  © Lisa L. Cyr, Cyr Studio LLC

The atelier-style learning-experience transcends the simple application of paint, venturing into the realm of conceptual and thematic exploration. It examines the use of symbolism, metaphor and allegory, encouraging artists to imbue their work with deeper meaning. It also explores non-linear storytelling, pluralism, automatism and freeform painting, providing a framework for artists to push the boundaries of narrative expression. The atelier learning experience is more than just a resource. It’s a catalyst for creative exploration.

Recently, I added to the growing content in my Masterclass a Portrait Intensive Series which is designed to empower artists in creating stunning portraits that truly capture the essence of their subjects through the lens of a unique voice and vision. I cover everything from foundational anatomy to advanced painting techniques that captivate the imagination of the viewer.

The series delves into the intricacies of the human face, starting with a crucial understanding of facial anatomy as it appears in three-dimensional space. Participants explore 1 and 2 point-perspective, the proportions and placement of facial features, the underlying bone structure and the intricate movements of facial muscles, providing a solid foundation for constructing realistic and expressive features. From the curve of an eye to the subtle turn of a lip, every element of the face is meticulously examined and explained.

Practical application is a cornerstone of the series. Participants learn how to effectively utilize lighting and tonal approaches to create impactful portraits. The series also demystifies the often-challenging task of painting realistic skin tones, offering color strategies and mixing techniques to achieve natural as well as vibrant theatrical results.

Mademoiselle du Carnaval (work in progress detail) The finished painting is 12″ x 9” x 1” acrylic & mixed media on paper over cradled Masonite panel © Lisa L. Cyr, Cyr Studio LLC

Beyond anatomical accuracy, the series emphasizes capturing the essence of the individual. Participants learn how to portray facial expressions, emotions and likeness with sensitivity and skill. This involves not just replicating physical features, but also understanding the nuances of human emotion and translating them onto the working surface in a way that tells a captivating message-driven story.

Emergence  17” x 12″ mixed media on paper   Stevan Dohanos Award at the 2023 NYC Society of Illustrators for Album Cover Art for Beautiful Sadness by indie artist and producer Christopher B Short.  © Lisa L. Cyr, Cyr Studio LLC

The album Beautiful Sadness takes the listener on a musical journey from heartbreak, devastation and sorrow to self-redemption and salvation. Tears of sorrow and regret drip down like acid rain, as the figure fades from a life once known. “The overall tone of the album leans towards the emotion of sadness, especially with the prevalent minor key with most of my songs. I decided on psychological horror, based on the emotional state of a girl after her failed relationship,” shares producer Christopher B Short. “ The cover art for the album was illustrated by artist Lisa L Cyr who captured a point in the story where the ghost attempts to emerge from the shadows into the light. It truly evokes the visceral emotions that I was trying to achieve with this project.”


African Dreamer 10.75″ x 14.75″ acrylic, ink and mixed media on Bristol board  © Lisa L. Cyr, Cyr Studio LLC

Working from Life, Photos and the Imagination

To create just the right look, an artist needs to work from a variety of sources. The NEW Portrait Intensive Series equips participants to confidently create portraits from life, photographs and their own imagination. This versatility allows artists to capture the world around them as well as bring their imaginative and creative visions to life. The Portrait Intensive Series draws inspiration from both historical masters as well contemporary approaches. Participants explore painting techniques and color palettes used by historically renowned artists throughout art history, gaining insights into their approaches to light, shadow and color. This historical context provides a rich tapestry of knowledge upon which to build individual artistic styles.


Interactive Learning with Draw/Paint-Along Sessions

The Portrait Intensive Series goes beyond passive learning. Interactive sessions guide participants through the process of constructing facial features and mixing skin tones, providing real-time feedback and support. Engaging draw/paint-along segments offer a unique opportunity to hone skills in a dynamic and collaborative environment. Once the live session is complete, there is a recording to go back to and practice from.

When I was in art school, I learned so much from the teachers that I could watch demonstrating at the same time I was working from the same source. Under this practice, I could instantly see where my initial understanding of what I learned went astray and could ask questions immediately, getting corrective feedback that I could instantly put into practice. This made all the difference for me.

Are you Ready to Unlock Your Inner Artist?

Whether you’re just starting your artistic journey or seeking to refine your existing skills, my Masterclass offers the tools, knowledge and inspiration you need to succeed. Are you ready to unlock your artistic potential and take your work to the next level? Join my tribe on Masterclass and unleash your creativity! Check out what others are saying!

Only $25/month or save if you join for a year $285 US.  Join us!


copyright 2025 Lisa L Cyr, Cyr Studio LLC, all rights reserved