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Stepping Stones

Robert Hunt

A wise art teacher gave me a piece of advice that I’ve never forgotten, and I want to pass it on to you. I had left my job as a math teacher to go back to school and learn about illustration…but after about one semester of steady progress, I hit a flat spot and I started really struggling in my drawing classes.  I felt like I was going backwards, and it seemed obvious that I…




Recommendation and Review: Doctor Strange: Fall Sunrise

Stephen Green

June 24, 2024 - [caption id="attachment_77079" align="aligncenter" width="579"] We start here, with Dr. Strange taking a very fluid and magical nap.[/caption] I don’t (and couldn’t) read every comic that comes out. I’m sure a lot of things out there are excellent, and I am personally aware of how difficult it is to make something at all, much less something sublime. I want to talk about a project that moved and impressed me in a powerful way. The last time I was swept away by a work was probably Barry Windsor Smith’s WEAPON X, and probably for some of the same reasons. A corporately-owned superhero becomes the instrument of a capable narrative voice, and the overcrowded favela of mediocre and garish melodrama is escaped for a brief time. [caption id="attachment_77078" align="aligncenter" width="900"] I love the creative ways Dr. Strange manifests…



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  • slope on Painting She-Hulk & ElektraNicee! Great artist! Great music choice! And im almost done with the picture. ( work has been too demanding 🙁 ) And once again thanks…


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