Above: Fernando Reza’s alternate poster for Pacific Rim
In recent years there’s been something of an explosion in artists doing alternative versions of posters for popular films. Mondo, the gallery arm of the Austin-based Alamo Drafthouse theaters, is one of the better known producers of these variations-on-a-theme, but there are many others taking part, including many artists doing their own takes just for fun.
Shortlist.com is having a “pick your favorite” contest and have put together their favorite 20 posters to vote on. They’re really a lot of fun: take a look!
Above: Elysium by Matt Ferguson
There is a little pizza place in SLC called Este Pizza. Not only do they have excellent NY style pizza, but their walls are covered in Mondo prints. They are really beautiful in person. The inks are rich and have a nice thickness to them. The Big Trouble in Little China print makes me want to arrange a heist and take it off the wall.
Great link, the World War Z and Star Trek posters were my two favorites!