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Concept Process

Allen Williams

This time I’d like to talk about my concept art process which is a hybrid process that seems more complicated than it is. I lay that out below but I would like to say that, for the most part, concept iterations/explorations aren't always about finding a better idea...but more about presenting options. If you concept for people it is very likely that what you consider the best idea doesn't land as well as one of…





Greg Ruth

January 17, 2025 - This is a hard one to write. I’ve been writing and dumping and rewriting it and I’ve given up on this coming anywhere close to capturing what David Lynch meant to me creatively, what getting to meet and know him meant to me personally and artistically, and what his loss means to everything else. My youngest, Nate has been here for the winter break from school, and had been asking to see The Elephant Man a lot recently so we decided to play hooky from work, and do an afternoon spontaneous screening here off the Criterion Blu Ray I have. The credits had just rolled up when I got the text that he was gone. It didn’t seem real, or at least it didn’t feel real. Not until after. The film is so beautiful still,…



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