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Concept Process

Allen Williams

This time I’d like to talk about my concept art process which is a hybrid process that seems more complicated than it is. I lay that out below but I would like to say that, for the most part, concept iterations/explorations aren't always about finding a better idea...but more about presenting options. If you concept for people it is very likely that what you consider the best idea doesn't land as well as one of…




Cut Flowers Chapter 2 Cover

Winona Nelson

February 10, 2025 - I've been hard at work evenings and days off, getting Chapter 2 of my comic Cut Flowers finished. It's finally complete and off to the printers! One of the great side benefits of a big personal project like this is the opportunity to experiment. Since this isn't for a client or art director, I'm only risking wasting my own time by trying out new mediums and techniques. So I decided to bring beadwork into the cover depicting my Native American point-of-view character, the ghost Jamie, back when she was still alive. The story takes place in 2003 and has a lot of nostalgia for that time and the age I was then. I remember the intensity of lighting some incense and listening to music and writing my thoughts and dreams in a notebook with Gelly…



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