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Concept Process

Allen Williams

This time I’d like to talk about my concept art process which is a hybrid process that seems more complicated than it is. I lay that out below but I would like to say that, for the most part, concept iterations/explorations aren't always about finding a better idea...but more about presenting options. If you concept for people it is very likely that what you consider the best idea doesn't land as well as one of…




Fischer Paints: Gonti- the Night Minister for Magic the Gathering

Scott Fischer

February 11, 2025 - Hey folks! This month I will take you through my latest for Magic the Gathering, Gonti: Night Minister for Magic: the Gathering- Aetherdrift. Pretty small piece for me at 12X16. We do a quick acrylic wash, followed by oil paint. But we gotta get a little crazy- so we will break out a stencil at some point to add some patterning. Buckle up and start your engines.



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