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less is more

Justin Coro Kaufman

Dug a little deeper into the high key overexposed painting thing again this week. I’ve been wanting to do a portrait of  Kevin, our other mastiff for a little while now. He’s such a sweet old boy. Had it in my head to do like a “night lighting” portrait of him. He’s blind, and his eyes have that cloudy look to them that i think could look cool in that lighting scenario. But then a…




The Creative Sanctuary: Rituals + Practices

Lisa Cyr

September 18, 2024 - [embed][/embed] The studio is a creative sanctuary from which to connect with one’s artistic self. Designing a personal space that inspires and motivates helps to facilitate the artistic process, keeping the creativity flowing. For me, it is important that my working environment be an external expression of my artistic personality, providing an ever-evolving means of visual, verbal, tactile and even aromatic stimulation. Check out the Rediscovering Your Creative Self podcast episode on collecting and bringing in objects into the studio environment that inspire, sparking nostalgic memories and joy. [embed][/embed]   When I walk into my studio and begin to paint, I maintain an open mind about what is to come. To keep distractions at bay, I employ movement and yoga as well as Zen-based mindfulness and meditation practices. My sensually-aware, mind and body artistic approach…



Recent Comments

  • Francesca Nash on The Creative Sanctuary: Rituals + PracticesI'm m­a­k­i­n­g­ o­v­e­r­ $13k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ p­a­r­t­ t­i­m­e­. I k­e­p­t­ h­e­a­r­i­n­g­ o­t­h­e­r­ p­e­o­p­l­e­ t­e­l…
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  • Francesca Nash on less is moreI'm m­a­k­i­n­g­ o­v­e­r­ $13k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ p­a­r­t­ t­i­m­e­. I k­e­p­t­ h­e­a­r­i­n­g­ o­t­h­e­r­ p­e­o­p­l­e­ t­e­l…
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  • Francesca Nash on Tiny PaintingsI'm m­a­k­i­n­g­ o­v­e­r­ $13k­ a­ m­o­n­t­h­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ p­a­r­t­ t­i­m­e­. I k­e­p­t­ h­e­a­r­i­n­g­ o­t­h­e­r­ p­e­o­p­l­e­ t­e­l…


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