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Moving Pictures

Justin Coro Kaufman

Been doing a bunch of motion-based work over the past month. Haven't had much time for personal work, but no  complaints.  I really like it in this type of stuff even though I’m probably not the most savvy at it. But where I may fall short on technical expertise, I can make up for it with ham-fisted slapdash digital painting :D. AfterEffects is awesome, because while it can get pretty deep, fundamentally it’s pretty much moving…




How to Embellish Reference Using Bridgman’s Design Strategies – A Video Demonstration

Ron Lemen

November 25, 2024 - Today's video post is on how to push reference to meet your illustration needs using some of the strategies from George Bridgman's Complete Guide To Drawing From Life.  This is a follow up to the Bridgman decoded videos I have been putting up on YouTube over the past two months.  The video is a 45 minute demonstration which you can play on 1.5 to 2x speed to get through it quicker.  I might sound like a chipmunk talking at that speed but you can still hear what I'm saying throughout the demo. This drawing would be considered a first pass design drawing that could eventually be taken to a cleaner line drawing finish before the paint is applied if this was something I was in need of using for a finished piece.  I might continue adding…



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